Discipleship Institute is a discipleship school established to equip believers in the service of the

Kingdom of God. Discipleship Institute is a two year program, focusing one year on Biblical studies and a one year focus on Spiritual gifting. Students can progress through the program at their own pace.


At the completion of each one year program students will receive a certificate of completion. By completing the requirements for the two year program, students will receive a diploma from Discipleship Institute.

(DI is a ministry of Christ Community Church and is not accredited with the state of MI.)

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Each Course is six weeks long with two courses per trimester,

(12 weeks), three semesters per year.


- Discipleship Institute meets Thursday nights from 6:30—8:00 pm.

- All information and correspondence for DI must be directed through the Registrar, Lisa Tyler.

- Registration is online at distudent.org or turned into the church office mailbox.

- A student must be registered for classes one-week prior to the course.

- Books must be picked up in advance of the first class in order to have the first assignment completed by week one of class.


School Schedule

Classes start at 6:30 p.m.


7:20—7:40………4 Minute Speeches

7:45– 8:00..…….Q & A  

Participation in all aspects of the school are mandatory for completion of diploma.

Week 1— Homework should be completed prior to each class. Students will be placed in small groups for speech assigned.

Weeks 2-5—Each student will be expected to give two (4) minute speeches per course in their small group.

Week 6—Lecture & Final exam.



The Word studies are based on daily homework and Scriptural studies. This aspect of study is derived

from the command to Kings in Deuteronomy 17:18, 

” When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the priests, who are Levites. It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees.”                         


The Spirit studies are designed to train up individuals in the applied methods of prophetic ministry. Students will experience biblical truths through the actual application and practice of spirit filled ministry.



    101 - tHEOLOGY OF gOD

    Theology of God studies the nature and character of God as revealed through the Holy Scriptures. (The Nature of God, The Trinity, The Deity of Jesus, and the Providence and Theodicy of God).


    OT Survey Part 1 studies the key characters and covenants God established from Adam to Boaz.


    OT Survey Part 2 studies the Kings and Prophets from Samuel through the Minor Prophets.


  • 104 - The LIFE of Christ


    This is a study of the Life and ministry of Jesus through the four Gospels, as well as a brief review of His second comeing.


  • 105 - Survey of the New testament

    The Survey of the New Testament is an overview of the Epistles (letters) of the New Testament from Acts to Revelation.


  • 106 - church history

    The Survey of Church history reviews the impact the Church has had through the ages. We discuss how the Church has developed through the ages to understand our prophetic destiny.


  • Spirit studies

    201 - Theology of the holy spirit

    Spirit Theology studies the nature of the Holy Spirit and the biblical basis for operating in spiritual gifts. This course will help students to provide sound doctrine and theological proofs that the gifts are still valid for the church today. 

  • 202 - Hearing the Voice of god

    Hearing the Voice of God teaches the art of listening prayer and how to discern the voice of God. Journaling will be taught as a method on how to record the spontaneous flow of the Lord. The class will also touch on the topics of dreams and visions. 

  • 203 - the fivefold dna

    The Fivefold DNA helps students discover their fivefold DNA in Jesus. The Church is equipped to mature into the full stature of Christ through the fivefold gift ministry. Students will hear lectures from Apostles ,Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. 

  • 204 - Divine Healing & Deliverance

    Divine Healing and Deliverance instructs how to pray for the sick and those with demonic strong holds. Students will learn to interview, pray and provide after care.

  • 205 - The prophetic

    The Prophetic is a study of the importance of the prophetic ministry.  Students will be trained using many different types of activation exercises. The class will study prophetic etiquette as well as pitfalls to the prophetic.

  • 206 - spirit led ethics

    Spirit Led Ethics focuses on the ethical and moral character of a holy life, based on an in-depth study of Biblical ethics and a Spirit led life.

additional Class videos

Some of the courses have additional resource information through video presentations. 

Identify the video within your workbook to watch in conjunction with your particular lesson.